As we were getting the boys dressed to go outside, We stopped to take this picture because we were laughing at how Drake looks like a gymnast...I promise we are not mean!
And then he found the ski goggles...he wouldn't take them off!
D LOVED playing in the snow, eating the snow and just being in the snow!
Bella-Bean is more of our little princess who just loves be scratched and loved on and to sleep, but she did enjoy the snow a tiny bit too.
Snow Angels...
Making Snowballs
Drakey STILL wanting to swing all the matter the weather!
And then getting to go inside and have hot chocolate, popcorn, and a movie! My kind of afternoon/night.
Waking up Saturday morning to look at the new snow that fell!!!! YAY!
And getting to go sledding with Daddy over at David Lipscomb! What a BLAST! (sort of...seems like they might like it a little better in a few years!)
But getting to come home to a warm breakfast and some "coffee" as Drakey like to call it (just really more hot chocolate though)
And then spending a WHOLE LOT OF TIME INSIDE FOR 2 DAYS in our jammies...
making tunnels
putting chairs on top of the ottoman and just being silly...
Watching LOTS of movies with hot chocolate
And then today is was a very sunny day which is starting to melt the snow (but don't worry...Still no school tomorrow!) so we got to make a snowman!!!! Well, I have to give 90% of the credit to Kyle. Drake was asleep, Hunter was sliding on the ice, pushing his lawnmower through the snow, eating snow, throwing snow, you get the point, and I was taking pictures, in and out listening out for Drake, etc. But H and I did do some of the work...
Hunty showing us his strong muscles...
And putting those muscles to work!
Stopping to eat some snow
And giving Daddy a bite since he is working so hard!
Drakey wakes up and wants to see the snowman! (still a little sleepy I think)
Daddy lets the boys "play golf" in the front yard. But look at that swing!
We are all sooooooo sad that Daddy has to go back to work tomorrow after being snowed in together for almost 3 days, but atleast the snowman should be around for a few more!