A picture update of what we have done in November and end of October leading up to our week we have spent in Alabama for Thanksgiving (which now we have hundreds of pictures from!)...but LOTS of pictures and little commentary from the past month. Enjoy!
The funny part is what Drake fell asleep reading....he knows ALL his Alabama players names and positions. His Daddy is so proud. He also has told me several times that Auburn needs Cam Newton to come back. |
My sweet boys. But their sweetness quickly turns into this... |
And then typically always ends in crying |
Well these are bad fuzzy pictures but they are from my phone and were actually part of a video. In Hunter's class they made "Me Vests" where they drew their family on the front and their house on the back. Hunter had pneumonia the week they were really working on them so he had just a small amount of time to get his done by the time he got back to school...and it is so cute in person. They put on their vests and paraded in the hallways singing songs in and out of the classrooms. We got to go with them to video tape it and it was just precious. |

Captain Jack Sparrow and Batman (big shocker huh?)
Our camera died after going to my parents' neighborhood for some quick trick-or-treating. So I did not get any other pictures of the boys and their buddies they went trick or treating with. There were 6 other kiddos (an Iron Man, Captain America, Woody and 3 Smurfs which were all adorable but sadly I will just have to get copies from them!) |
The boys have started sleeping together in Hunter's room and we always love to see what positions we will find them in. This was a good one (and yes Drake likes to sleep in undies and a t-shirt now) |
My sweet husband celebrated another birthday on the 10th. We had a few celebrations for him and it is so fun now because the boys are so into holidays and birthdays. They love their daddy! |
Grammie and Pop came into town and we went to Gentry's Farm. As usual had the best time with Grammie and Pop! |
<**We went to 1 other pumpkin patch with some good friends of ours where they got to feed goats on this pully thing which was cute and then at Nonny's (my grandmother) place where she lives they had a fall festival with games, food, jumpies and tons of animals they could pet. I had a bunch of great pictures and the boys looove animals so much that they were such sweet pictures, but they were all on my phone and I cannot for the life of them get them to transfer. So frustrating but oh well!**>
I got to go on a field trip with Drake's class to Owl's Hill which is an Owl Sanctuary and working farm. It was a gorgeous day and the kiddos had fun. |
The scenery was gorgeous with the pumpkin patch in the back and the colors of the trees, but of course I have no idea how to use our camera so my pictures does NOT do it justice. I need some darn camera lessons! |
We put the boys in time out and this is what we found them doing when we were peeking around the corner...they look miserable don't they. |
Belly Beans spot she sits at all day long...I love that girl! |
We have so many deer in our neighborhood and let me tell you....they are fat! They are certainly well fed and it is a daily joy for the boys to spot some deer. This was a picture I took out of my car in the yard of a house 2 houses over on our way home one afternoon. |