Thursday, October 8, 2009

God is GREAT...and apparently funny too

This morning as I was picking up in the kitchen my 2 boys are still eating their "bar" (Nutri-Grain Bar but they just call it bar for short). It was the last one I had so I told Hunter to let Drake have some bites too. Hunty takes it and they run over and they are sitting on top of their little table and Hunter is taking a tiny piece off, they both shout, "Good is Great, God is Good" and start hysterically laughing and then take their bites. This process is repeated about 7 times:
1. Hunty breaks a piece off and hands it to Drake
2. They shout "God is Great God is Good"
3. hysterically laugh
4. eat
I only wish I were in their minds sometimes!


  1. hahahaha!!!! that's hilarious!!!! i love those little guys! give them big hugs and smooches for me. i can't wait to see you for thanksgiving, but that seems forever away right now.
