On Memorial Day weekend we want to express HOW MUCH we have to be thankful for. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. We are forever grateful for them...

We were able to spend another wonderful Memorial Day at the lake at Grammie and Pop's house which reminded us of all the ways that we are grateful for the Lord's mercy and the undeserving gifts he has poured upon us:
We are grateful for our family, our cousins that we can spend time with...
And for the tons of fun we have playing with them...
We are grateful for the food that we are fortunate enough to be able to eat...whether we like it...
...or not!...
We are grateful for new family members and new babies all over the world...a true miracle of God
(and for A.M's thighs!!!! what a cutie!!!)
We are grateful for the members of our family who never cease to amaze us with their loyalty, comfort, and ability to see past all our imperfections and think we hung the moon...
We are grateful for God's Glorious earth and nature...
(the lizard above is what Hunter is pointing to)
We are grateful for beautiful water to swim in, AND for the ability to be able to swim.
We are grateful for chocolate ice cream and all the treats we are able to enjoy.
We are grateful for uncles and daddies that play with us and know how to make everything fun.
And for the wind in our hair!
We are grateful for the energy, excitement and pure joy that comes from our children:
They are simple. They are pure. They are forgiving. They are funny. They are innocent. They make us remember how much fun the simple things in life are and how we spend too much time complicating things to make them seem better. I am grateful they reminded me how much fun it was as a child to just jump into the water.
Thank you Hunter...
thank you Christopher...
and Drake...
We are grateful for the times we feel like we are on top on the world...
Hunter is very thankful for pajamas, which he may live in for the rest of his life if I would let him, AND for his Scooby Doo Crocs.
and we are even grateful for pictures that we think are just too awesome to not put on the blog...I love you Sophie!!!
But on this day in particular, we are so thankful for this beautiful country and for all those who protect it.