speaking of faces...this is what I usually get when I want to take his picture...
New Friends:
This is the newest addition to our family...meeeeet Howie!!!!!!!
We adore Howie and talk about him a lot actually. Though we have a small neighborhood, people fly down our tiny street! It is maddening and now I feel like one of those obnoxious parents, but I cannot tell you how many other parents on our street have stopped by to ask where we got it and tell us how much they like it. so I think Howie is here to stay. It is only confusing when we pass someone else's house and Howie is there too. hmmmmm...
New Bikes!
We finally went out and got another bike...well we got 2 bikes. We have had 1 but both boys ride it so well it was time to get another. And let me say this - I am not one for usually getting 2 of the exact same thing, because the boys do need to know how to share. But some things are just worth it to buy 2 of the EXACT SAME THING. It is just not worth fighting over who is riding the red bike, or the blue bike, or the bike with the tiny spec of paint that is chipped off or whatever the minor difference is that causes hours of fighting and tears.
Complete with matching helmets and elbow pads (and yes they both wear elbow pads and love them!!! Since they have both gotten boo boos on their elbows recently they enjoy being "protected")
And another fun time for the boys has been riding on the bike with daddy (and sometimes me, but mostly daddy). Kyle pulled out his old bike and boy has it been fun!
And Drakey was so cute when they would ride down the street...he would watch them take off
and then take Howie's flag and cheer them on.
Oh how sweet summer is!