Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Naked Chef!

I had to snap this picture of my boys last night after their bath...Kyle usually does the bathing while I clean the kitchen, pick up toys, etc. He is a much more fun bather than I am...after a long day with them I am strictly business in the tub. Where-as he loves to play with them and it is his time to get to be with just the 2 of them and they LOVE IT!!! I usually know they are done because I will hear elated squealing soon followed by naked little bodies that come flying around the corner. It really is such a precious image I hope to never forget. Last night was no matter how tired they are it is like they have a 5 minute high right out of the tub from having so much fun. It is then usually a chase around the house to get lotion on, diaper on, then pajamas on. All of this taking place usually in the midst of them playing with cars, trains or anything they can find. Last night they went straight for their kitchen where soon after the picture pots started flying, play food was all over the den and the shopping cart they have had been rammed into a few objects before finally spilling out the rest of its "groceries." But I had to show you the my favorite Christmas gift Drake received...I might even be enjoying it more than he does!

Are these not the cutest pots and pans and utensils you have even seen?!? I had to take a picture of them next to the real ones so you could see how adorable they are! I guess I must officially be insane...


  1. This is the BEST kitchen EVER!! I think I would enjoying cooking more if I could use those precious mini utensils!!! LOVE the naked pics...what in the world? they are too funny!!!

  2. hilarious!! They are going to hate that first picture one day :)

  3. Your boys are too cute...and your blog is always so much fun to read!

  4. I LOVE the picture of the boys! It is adorable!

  5. Precious! And I think those utensils are the cutest thing too. One day you can give this pic to their wives and say this is where they learned how to cook! :)

  6. THAT.... IS...... AWESOME!!!!!!!!
    Ok, I honestly couldn't tell the difference b/w the utensils at first, but I think it's b/c I scrolled down too fast. I love it!

  7. so cute! they are precious! that kitchen is wayyy more sophisticated than what we used to have for a play kitchen! enjoy it!

  8. Love the utensils! These two are in so much trouble as are going to have the BEST blackmail! Hugs and kisses...

  9. Caroline! I'm so glad I found your blog. I'm going to add it to my page so I can follow. Your boys are too cute! Call us next time you are in Mtg so we can get the kids together.
